WeLCoMe To PRo$aCKsNeT

Welcome to prosacksnet. Here we share everything about knowledge that are applicable and usable around us. If you have anything to share, feel free to contact me via email. Till then...^_^

Basic HTML Tutorial: Introduction

For these time, I will share with all of you a simple lesson on how to make a Webpage. I must warn you though, this is for "all wet behinda ears" Newbies. If you're at all experienced at this sort of thing, you'll probably find this tutorial a bit of a yawner.

Learning Theory

There is more than one type of learning. A committee of colleges, led by Benjamin Bloom (1956), identified three domains of educational activities

HTML Templates: Fizik UM

This Website were created for physics department university of malaya

Wordpress Templates: Wallbase

This Templates were created for the wedding

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

How to make a html redirect page

Today I would like to share an info on how to redirect our page to another page. Below are the code on how to use it.

Here's the code:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>Your Page Title</title>
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=http://www.the-domain-you-want-to-redirect-to.com"></HEAD>
Optional page text here.

Code Description:
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="0;url=http://www.the-domain-you-want-to-redirect-to.com"> is the part that actually does the redirecting.
The number preceding the url (in this case zero) tells the browser the number of seconds to wait before redirecting to the new url.
You could set this to 5 and add some optional text to your page - something like:
"Please wait while we redirect you to our new site".
That's it! Just copy the code, save it (i.e. save as index.html) and your html redirect will work perfectly.

Sunday, 8 January 2012

HTML templates : Fizik UM

WordpressTemplates: Wallshare

Main Page


Demo | Visit Main Website

Wordpress Templates: LASTING-NEWZ

Main Page

Main Post


caution:the demo maybe a little different from the original preview due to replacement of the new themes

Wordpress Templates: O NEWZ-MAGAZINE

Main Page

Post Page

Category pages

CSS templates: I-phone themes

CSS Templates: Fire Studios

Blogger Templates:EYESTYLE2020

Wordpress Templates: Begone

Main Page

Post Page


Sunday, 1 January 2012

Constructive Teaching Strategies

Teaching Strategies That Are Indicators of Constructive Teaching:-

  • Ask students their prior knowledge before starting lesson
  • Engage students in higher order thinking
  • Give students a chance to make connections with their disciplines/concept.
  • Reinforce the central ideas of lesson, encourage students to generate conjectures.
  • Support students in interpreting evidence in more than one way.
  • Requires students to communicate knowledge with well-articulating logical explanations.
  • Implement cooperative learning activities.
  • Accommodate students equitably
  • Check the students use the vocabulary inherent in the subject matter.
  • Take frequent assessments during a class period.